Program Management
and Business Support
BCS understands how to manage the complexities of large programs and has demonstrated experience developing and implementing strategies, methods, processes, and tools that produce the desired results. In addition, we work with public sector organizations to design and implement business solutions that improve efficiency and increase visibility into internal operations. We work closely with our clients to understand their processes and design custom solutions and tools that improve planning, reporting, and management.
Portfolio & Project Management
Program Operations & Execution
Budget Formulation, Execution, Tracking,
& Reporting
Requirements Gathering & Analysis
Business Process Review & Improvement
Federal Financial Compliance Reviews
Contracts Management & Monitoring
Correspondence & Stakeholder Inquiries
Dashboard & Database Development
Scheduling & Meeting Support
Correspondence and Stakeholder Inquiries
Budget Support
Client: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Project: Corporate Planning System (CPS) and Budget Execution Support
Our Support: For 20 years, BCS has been providing lifecycle budget execution and systems support to DOE utilizing CPS—a custom solution designed and built by BCS to help streamline budget planning and execution, consolidate portfolio management, and standardize budget and project reporting. Originally developed for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, BCS has since deployed CPS across additional DOE offices, including the Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response; Office of Electricity; Office of Policy; and Office of Fossil Energy. Our analysts utilize CPS’s Annual Operating Plan and Scenario Planning Tool modules to help each office prepare for variations in their anticipated fiscal year budgets. We help each office prepare funding for execution, generate program guidance, document approval through an electronic signature process, and report back to decision makers on progress utilizing customizable reporting tools.
Virtual, In-person, and Hybrid Meeting Facilitation
Learn how BCS’ Managed Evaluation and Reporting Integrated Toolkit (MERIT) can meet your program’s needs for executing formal review processes via our web-based platform which includes features such as file sharing, customizable reviewer comment and scoring forms, and final report generation.